Friday, June 24, 2011

The UnKnown

The Year 2011 has brought us a great selection of Movies and we are only in the second month.  Movies like The Rite, The Mechanic, I Am Number Four just to name a few.

         This week I got to see Unknown 2011 staring Liam Neeson  and Diane Kruger. No spoiler in this review.  The movie started  as seen on the trailer with a car accident and a man who recovered from a coma with amnesia.  He would have to discover  his identity while protecting the ones he love.

        This movie was filled with action packed, twist and turns that leave you guessing even up to the very end.  The amazing acting by Liam Neeson was riveting.  Diane Kruger as "Gina" was amazing  playing strong young woman who was helping the man find his true identity.    January Jones who plays his wife,  and denies that she knows him.

        I give this movie a rate of 9 out of 10, It is a must see .  If you have any suggestions on this review or comments about this movie or any other movie please post it below

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