Friday, June 24, 2011

The Rite

  The Rite  is an horror movie about a student played by Colin O' Donoghue  as Micheal Kovak who was send to to Italy to take an course in Exorcisms. Micheal was send to Father Lucas Trevant, played by Antony Hopkins  who would teach him the art of an Exorcism.  The movie took a turn when Father Lucas Trevant started visiting his patients.  Especially a young girl who was pregnant and possessed by a demon according by her mother and Father Lucas, but the more the movie moved on. I started to question if Micheal may be right about it being some sort of Psychological problem the girl may be having.  Right, after the girl started throwing up huge nails, it sure became apparent that something was not  normal about this child.
    The emotional part of the movie, was when the girl dies and Father Lucas started to cry in the hallway of the hospital. At this time the emotion that Father Lucas portray was amazing. I never thought that "Hannibal" can cry. I wanted to give him a hug.

  The movie continued  showing changes in Father Lucas Trevant's attitude, the tremors in the hands , and alienating himself.  While Micheal suffers with his own turmoil of either  believing in demons or that Father Lucas has lost it  and the patients just sufferers of some sort  mental disease.

    This movie unlike the Exorcism movies before its time, has open a new door of questioning the old art of Exorcism, which was practice. Are some people truly possessed or is it a mental sickness? Then showing that not even a devoured  priest is safe from demon or demonic actions. The actors and the directing of this movie has being magnificent, and lift you on the edge of your seat with suspense.  Bringing this story to life and making it more believable than it predecessors. 

I have with no doubt give this movie a rating of 9 out of 10.  If you have any of your own reviews or opinions on this movie please comment below.

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