Friday, June 24, 2011

Criminal Minds Vs Suspect Behavior

"The Best" Rate 9.9
         For two weeks now there has been a new kid on the block and its call Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior, I am an addict of Criminal Minds from the show started in 2005, due to the fact I like the character Dr. Spencer Reid and during  the years I grow to love most of the other and the villains ( criminals)  also.  Yes, I love the Villains. Its a show and you have to realize that although it maybe loads of fun to play a villains, in any show, its still a lot of work. Without your neighborhood criminals  there would be no show.  So like everyone I know we all wondering, will the new kid on the block be as good as it predecessor or is CBS getting rid of the predecessor?  I don't know the answer to that question, but like you I am hoping not.

           Meanwhile, the question everyone wants to know,  Is agent Prentiss leaving?  I felt hurt after  J. J left, I missed her, but the  new girl,  she is a great  replacement.

"Not Ready"  Rate 5.2

      Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior staring Forest Whittaker as "Sam Cooper, Janeane Garofalo as " Beth Griffith" , Micheal Kelly as " Jonathan Simms", Matt Ryan as " Mick Rawson", Beau Garrett  as Gina LaSelle" and our famous computer tech Penalope Garcia played by Kristen Vangsness.


     The shows first episode was about a little girl that went missing from her front lawn during a game of hide in seek. This is when the different characters was introduced to us.  Well, due to the fact that its name is "criminal minds" it is going to be class and size up to the original.  We all know that?  I can't lie I got bored,  I believe that I should give the show another change and since it was after the original last week I sure did watch.  I truly think this show would be better with ratings if it came out as a New Show with out the Criminal Minds. To tell you the truth I really love just listening to the guy with the accent. The "Boss" (Whitaker) his personality doesn't suit his position. He's no Hotchner, not even close.


             I have seen some of these actors in other roles and they were great, amazing but something isn't connecting here.  It really seems like they all working  separately.  I don't know, are they suppose to be profilers?  Because profiling is what I like about Criminal Minds and It seems that this show has none.


          The Criminal Minds the writings and the emotion that goes into bring these criminals to life the Psychodrama is what I like, the coming together of the team with their different views on the Criminal who he /she is? Why? When? Where? the questions and that although there are an elite team, when they go to these areas to help the Police they don't act so Narcissistic like the police can't solve the cases without them.  We know that but you didn't have to say it. You don't have to tell the police that to their faces and still expect the police to want to be co-operative and appreciate your presence. I'm not a profiler and I know that.  I want to see a strong leader and a profiling team.  I want to see  smart criminals with some creative crimes.   Are we out of Ideas?

          I know its not going to  be the same, and maybe I am excepting too much?

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