Friday, June 24, 2011


   Last weekend Limitless opened and became a big hit at the box office, kicking Rango into second place. I was shocked, because I've seen the trailer but thought that it looked good and is it going to be as good as the trailer looks?

   To my surprise the movie was even better.   Limitless is an action packed thriller with suspense.  It about a ambitious writer who had writer's block. He then had a run in with his ex-brother in law who gave him a gift,  as small as the gift was one pill it would change him life forever.  Although at first Eddie Mora played by Bradley Cooper "nice performance" I must say , was not  taken on the idea of this  pill due the brother in-law's past, but in the end how can it hurt.

After taking the pill which they call NZT he notices a difference we noticed it too, the lighting changed, yes the picture was more brighter , sharper and tint was more red, less blue.  The same effects you get with caffeine and a better camera I guess.  On with the story, so as also with the problem with drugs you always run out.  Come on that's why there will always be business for drugs, people always want more.  He decides to pay his brother in law a visit and becomes his gopher to get more drugs. Until an unexpected turn of events.  The movie pretty much takes flight from where there not only showing us the downside to drug dealing but also the upside to these special drugs which gave him the ability to increase his IQ and learn things he would of never learnt in no time flat of course, giving him money and friends he probably would get or have on his own, but it came with a price like everything else in life.

    Meanwhile, the more popular he got the more people wanted to know his secrets and the more I became intrigue with how a smart man can do un-smartly things, and does medications like these exists? 

Like I said rule number #1 in drugs you are going to need more, and rule #2 the side effects.
May cause lapse of time, headache, respiratory failure, heart failure, fatigue, stroke and death.  We  still want it.

  The movie was good, its concept was very original and mesmerizing.  Although it does has a slow start, and I love that the characters are very realistic, good performance by them all especially Robert De Niro and Abbie Cornish.  Throughout the movie the only thing I could of think about is if we all had that one gift that one pill, how much of us would have taken it? Not yet knowing what it can or might do?  Even after that one pill would we have tried to find more? How much are we willing to pay for this wonder drug?

And given this drug what would you do?

Rate 8.5 out of 10

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