Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hanna 2011

A 16-year-old who was educated by her father in the outcast of Europe to be the perfect assassin.  While being tracked down by a CIA agent and her operatives.  I believe this was one of the movies of 2011 that was hyped up than when you see the movie it basically felt like a letdown.
When I went to saw this movie trailer it was amazing thinking it would be like HITMAN with Timothy Oliphant where the story and the concept would draw you in wanting to know more about the lead actor in the movie and the history.  Hanna accomplishes some of that but at the end it left you wondering and confused.  And then the movie hit a curve and went in a total direction of science fiction movie Species.

The little girl was running away from the CIA agent and then finding out that her father is not her father.  Suddenly it ended really fast, people dies and my conclusion was how they could make this movie better if they are planning a second film. This movie is a big disappointment for me due to the fact I was so hyped to see it. The cast was great, brilliant acting but the dilemma was in the concept.

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