Friday, June 24, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

So this weekend I watched a movie that truthfully I really didn't want to see.   Matt Damon's always seems to do action movies, and due to the trailer this looked just like the rest - another movie with him running for his life.  Although lately he has been straying away from those roles like "Jason Borne" to more - lets say enlightening roles. 

   So I made a deal, she wanted to see this movie and I want to see Rango,which the person in mention don't like animated movies. I know how could you not?  So I thought why not, how bad can this movie be?  It ranked second behind Rango its opening weekend?

        The Adjustment Bureau,a thriller staring Matt Damon as " David Norris" who was the youngest congressman running for a U.S Senate seat. How as from the trailer, would run into a beautiful woman  played Emily Blunt who would change his life forever. At the beginning of the movie, it becomes very apparent that he fall in love with "Elise" from there discussion in the male bathroom after being interrupted she would run off with out giving David any information about herself. It would take him some time to catch up with her.  After all that they would meet on a bus, where the scene would introduce these agents of fate, who wears hats and who follows David Norris.  During the bus scene he would get her name and her number, which for some reason he did not look at. Seriously joking right!  How would he know he got 7 numbers?  Later David would return to the office to find these agents with hats brainwashing his Campaign Aide played by George Lay. Due to the fact he saw them, the strange people would have to tell David the truth about his life, giving him an ultimatum strangely enough one of them is that he would have to stay away from the girl.


    Now as you can see this went on for years due to the fact that which was discuss during the movie if he stay away from her,  he would go on to become a great President of the United States and she a great dancer but together for some reason they would never have their dreams.


Agents Of Fate Nice Hate Men.

    So one day on the campaign  trail his friend (campaign aide) show him a newspaper where Elise was getting married to her ex-boyfriend and realize that he had made a mistake and that he loves her and wanted to fight for her. Sounds very romantic, yeah?  Like I say, I wasn't interested in this movie.

  The end game was for him is to tell Elise the truth about everything and reveal to her who these people are, with the help of one of their own.

             I did see that coming!

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