Friday, July 29, 2011

Owl City

Owl City

Owl City New Album was released in June "All Things Bright and Beautiful".

  For the past four weeks I have been listening to the new album by Owl City “All Things Bright and Beautiful” and although some people feels that this album hasn’t impressed then as the first album “Ocean Eyes” in 2009. I believe that this album was as great. It’s a album that takes you on a mystical adventure and that’s what I like about it.  The album as a whole can be class as a little adventure from the single “Alligator Sky” ft, Shawn Chrystopher which was playing endless on the radio since April of this year, which graphically  peak my interests in this album.

  While exploring the album I found my own interest for me was “Honey and The Bee” ft Breanne Duren which a great love song.  Other tracks that has impressed me is “Plant Life”, “The Real World”, “Deer in the headlight” and ” The Yacht Club”.  The Album isn’t unique because if you remember “Ocean Eyes” was made with the same immaturity as this album but it’s that, what makes it so great.  The wording and the lyrical sense of words use to express each track.

Adam Young as a genius he is bringing a new innovation to the pop music and the way it’s written, expressed and sound.  I have no idea why this album wouldn’t rank high in the albums of the year.  I personally think it’s one of the best.

When you listen to an album like Owl City’s “All Things Bright and Beautiful”  It’s an album of emotions and moods of happiness and sadness. Although, it’s taken from many point a view with different character. I love the quirkiness of the album.



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