Saturday, September 10, 2011


A young woman grows up to be a stone-cold assassin after witnessing her parents' murder as a child in Bogota. She works for her uncle as a assassin , but her personal time is spent engaging in vigilante murders that she hopes will lead her to her ultimate target  the man responsible for her parents' death.

Cataleya Restrepo played by Zoe Saldana was a nine year old who was witness to her parents death while living in Colombia. She then  during supply and demand brought her way into to the United States and then started living with her uncle who is also a mobster.  Young Cataleya decide to confided in her tio Emilio played by Cliff Curtis that her desire to become a HitMan.

Yes, although this movie is about the revenge our lead star craves and she do become a criminal during the movie you found yourselves routing for her all the way.  The writers also take the time to not make the character as prefect as we would want her but leaving you thinking how the FBI going to catch her because of the errors she had made. Come on if you going to sign your HITS it's going to catch up to you. She become very successful in her new career. But when her Body count started to spike to quickly, she started getting the atention of some people in high place.

This film I considered to be some what amazing, how a nine year old got away from a bunch of professional mobsters and makes her way to Chicago. While other things hold my interest how Cataleya can get in and out of a building with and problems however, her not knowing that if you go after mobsters they would kill your family was a  bit surprising to me.  This movie was filled with action, suspense even some hot body scenes. The characters development was incredible and successful and I can say Zoe Saldana was great as the lead role.  Colombiana  is a movie worth a look

Final Distination V

Survivors of a suspension-bridge collapse learn there's no way you can cheat Death.

I'm a lover of  the Final Destination franchise, when I watched the trailer this fifth and final Final Destination I was even more excited, as you can see from my blog I haven't written in awhile due to the prospects of movies that came out this summer, but happy to say that I was  surprised by Final Destination 5.

The concept this time around way was great and a lot more fun then it's predecessor,  It was just as exciting as the first final destination and the characters  felt more genuine. I thought because it was the fifth that it would become lame and repetitive. Love the extra effects and how it flows not feeling unnatural in anyway.  Also how the writers climax help bring the franchise full circle and you can not argue with a amazing ending.

Futhermore, although they saying this is the final destination, but the end of this movie give the franchise enough wiggle room to continue.  I didn't see this movie the same week it came out , but after seeing it I must say this movie is worth your time especially if you are a fan of any of the other Final Destinations or if you just looking for a movie to be entertaining it a horrific way.  Go and see this movie it is truly worth your time.